Friday, October 23, 2015

Our First Social!

Can you tell by all the smiling faces that our first social was an enjoyable experience? On Tuesday night, representatives from nine local nonprofits had table displays, but more than that came to represent their organization or just to see what the cooperative is all about. They had the opportunity to meet with volunteers and the general public to speak about their organizations and share their enthusiasm for their projects.

The first part of the evening was just socializing, and then Scott Clapson drew everyone into a large circle so everyone could introduce themselves and talk about about their organization, or their personal involvements and interests in local nonprofits.

People put a lot of time and effort into their work for nonprofit organizations, and having the opportunity to talk about it, and have fun at the same time, makes for a great evening.

At the end of the evening, the official deadline was reached for the polls for naming the new cooperative newsletter. Ballots were available, with a range of suggested names plus a write-in option. When the ballots were counted at the end of the evening, including write-in options, each got only one vote. The deadline is being extended one week. 

The idea is spreading, and others have expressed interest in coming to future events, so everyone is looking forward to November's Social.