Thursday, February 25, 2016

February Social held on the 23rd.

Due to a very nice article in the Pilot, and radio announcements in Crescent City, the February Social was well attended.

The group included representatives from The Chetco Pelican Players, the Chetco Activity Center, the Garden Club and the Grange.

Debi Leighton from the Salvation Army told us about their summer camp activities, and Bud Halliday filled the group in on progress in building the Carousel for Brookings. Jim Graham, from the Lion's Club, talked about Kans for Kids, and the work they are doing for providing eye exams for children. Every nonprofit that came offers some valued service to the Brookings/Harbor community. Several volunteers came, too, to find out what organizations are looking for their help.

Our focus will continue to be updating the library's contact list. Our next social will be on the 29th of March, later in the month than our usual schedule due to planning by the library to replace carpet in the large conference room.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January Social Scheduled!

Watch for the January Social flyers
around town.

Tuesday, January 26th, 2016
6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Large conference room
Chetco Community Public Library.

Please spread the word!
Everyone is invited!

Our focus will be on updating
the library nonprofit mailing list.